Archived News : October
10/27/05- First Award!
An Angel's World has won its first award! ForceSisters has given the site baby: best younger site award! Thanks so much! You can view the award here.
10/25/05- New Pictures
Two new Sith Snapshots, the first one is a nice promo of the Senate Handmaiden Gown you can view it here. The other one is kind of an old one, that I forgot to update, and you can barely see Padmé in it, but I wanted the site to be complete. You can view that one here. Also Padmé's Wardrobe has some clips of the deleted Padmé scenes on it. For some reason I can't view them, so if you know of anywhere else you can view them please tell me.
10/21/05- DVD Information
The Official Site has a DVD trailer up for anyone who is a Hyperspace member. It is really cool, so I urge you to check it out. Also they have updated the Databank with the deleted scene info you can view it here.
10/15/05- New Images
With the DVD coming in a few weeks the pictures are starting to role in. I have two new batches of screencaptures today. The first is of the Green Velvet Robe. It's from a scene calleds "Seeds of Rebllion" which take splace in Padmé's apartment. The second batch is of the Peacock Gown. It's from a scene called "Confronting the Chancellor" which takes place in Palpatine's Office. Looks like we are going to see the Peacock Gown after all.
10/10/05- New Images
Thanks to Jen from Anakin and his Angel for the new screencaptures of a deleted scene of the Burgundy Velvet Gown. It's from the scene "A Stirring in the Senate" in which Padmé meets with Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and other senators in Organa's office. Look closely beacause one of them is familiar. Also I have a picture of the Green-Velvet Robe that I still need to scan from my my last Star Wars Insider. I'll try to do it tomorrow but it is my birthday then so t probably won't get done until Wednesday.
10/8/05- New Images
I have got 2 new images of the Green Velvet Robe. One is of an old promo but it now has a background to it you can view it here and a movie still in Padme's Apartment which you can view here. Also the Official Website has released what Padmé deleted scenes will be on the DVD. The site says, "The next three deleted scenes follow the cut Rebel Alliance storyline cut from Episode III. Padmé Amidala would conspire with Senators Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and others to create worst-case contingencies to Palpatine's growing powers. In "A Stirring in the Senate," the Senators gather in Bail Organa's office to start the discussion. In "Seeds of Rebellion," the conversation picks up in Padmé's apartment. In "Confronting the Chancellor," diplomacy is given once last chance as Padmé voices her concerns to Palpatine with Anakin standing nearby." Can't wait for the DVD!
10/4/05- Gallery Update
Hey everyone. Today I updated three of the Phantom Menace galleries, the new pictures have blue borders around them. I updated the Black Invasion Costume, Flame Handmaiden, and the Tatooine Disguise. So go check them out. Also if you like wallpapers go and check out Padme's Wardrobe wallpaper contest!
10/3/05- Gallery Update
Hey everyone! Since I was working on the layout and fixing all the links and everything I have almost all the galleries to update. I have added some new pictures so far to the Red Invasion Gallery. The new pictures have a blue border around them. Also I have added a few new banners to the link banner section.
10/1/05- New Affiliate
Another new affiliate toady. Welcome Infatuation a beautiful site all about Keira Knightley. Go check it out.
10/1/05- Hooded Cloak Fixed
Okay, so I fixed the Hooded Cloak gallery so now all the galleries should work. Also I added a few new screencaptures to the Hooded Cloak gallery and to the Tatooine White Dress gallery and a new behind the scenes one to that one too.